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Cape Gazette
Lewes, Delaware
Jim's Towing Service
June 9, 2000     Cape Gazette
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June 9, 2000
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Z cAr00'00, .is Brewer resigns from Milton Council; seat remainsopen By Rosanne Pack Tucked in among discussion of new park equipment and s0rvey- ing town streets was an unexpect- ed letter of resignation from Mil- ton Town Council member Bar- bara Brewer which was read into the minutes of the June 5 meeting. Halfway through her first term on council, Brewer stated that professional demands led to her decision to leave her position. She said she enjoyed serving the town, but felt that she could no longer carry out her duties in the manner she would feel is necessary. Since Mil- ton mayor and council elec- tion took place in April of this year, almost a full year re- BREWER mains on Brewer's term; her seat was not filled at the June 5 meeting. Be- tore her resignation was accepted, Councilman Robert Blayney asked if it would be appropriate to ask Stephanie Parker to fill the position until the 2001 election. Parker ran for council this year and received the third highest number of votes in a race for two seats. Newcomer Bill Wright was elected with 160 votes, incumbent Blayney received 105, and Park- er, 94; a fourth candidate, Robert Sehn received 25 votes. After the resignation was offi- cially accepted, Councilman Charlie Fleetwood asked, as the number three vote-receiver, shouldn't Parker be named to re- place Brewer. Wright also com- mented that, as the third highest vote-getter, it would seem that Parker should be the choice to fill the seat. However, Mayor Jack Bushey and Councilwoman Leah Betts expressed the opinion that, before a nomination was entered, Parker should be consulted regarding her interest, and the public should be made aware of Brewer's resigna- tion and the fact that there is an open seat. Pointing out that it is important to keep town committees filled and to have the six council mem- ber seats filled, Blayney said, "In due process, it would make sense that we consider Stephanie Parker first. Is what the mayor is sug- gesting, that we open the process to the public to find someone to sit in the open seat until April?" After further discussion of why Parker should be named at the June 5 meeting and why the pub- lic should or shouldn't be notified regarding the opening on council, Tim Willard, town solicitor, pointed out that the Milton Char- ter states simply that, under the circumstances, a council member could be replaced by a nomina- tion from a council member and a majority vote of the members present. He said mayor and council could choose to table the issue un- til the July meeting, and then make their selection for Brewer's replacement. In commenting on her resigna- tion and the possibility of a re- placement, Brewer said she felt that the best thing would be to name Parker as she was the next highest vote-getter in the last election. "As a matter of fact, I will make it very clear to Stephanie that the constraints of my job keep me from remaining on council at this time," Brewer said. "I don't want her to think that there are any rea- sons why she shouldn't want to serve on council." Brewer is in the sales division of a cellular phone company. She said she had missed two monthly meetings since the first of the year and the June 5 meeting would have been her third. With the peak summer season coming, she felt that the only responsible thing to do was to resign her position. "I had very mixed feelings about this," she said. "But I had to look at how much good I was do- ing the town if professional re- 5675g 5 42837 Stop SELF-STICK ROLL ROOFING • Sticks to most surfaces • Aluminum surface reflects heat-reduces energy costs • Low costLabor savingEasy to install • Light in weightEasy to handle • Tough and durable-puncture and abrasive resistant • Requires no coating for exposure to sunlight • For roofing, waterproofing, patching & repair, hundreds of other uses • 10 Year Warranty by Today/ QUALITY ROOFING SUPPLY C0. 1572 Highway One, Lewes, DE • (302) 644-4115 sponsibilities kept me away from town business. I don't like to do a job if I can't give full commit- ment, and I found that I couldn't focus on the needs of the town the way that I would like to." Brewer said she would like to remain on the town tourism com- mittee; she doesn't rule out seek- ing office again should her work schedule allow it in the future. "The tow is facing some big issues," she said. "Of course, I al- ways have plenty of opinions, and I will remain as active in town business as I can." DeiDOT meeting June 14 In other council business, it was announced that a meeting to discuss drainage and standing water along Mulberry Street is scheduled with Delaware Depart- ment of Transportation represen- tatives. Alan Redden, South Dis- trict engineer, will meet with Mil- ton officials and town residents at 7 p.m., Wednesday, June 14, in Town Hall. Mulberry Street is a state-maintained road. Milton of- ficials have been hesitant to dedi- cate town funds for repairs and improvements until the extent of the state's responsibilities are un- derstood. According to Bushey, Redden said state work on Mulberry has been delayed because of more pressing road priorities. Residents are encouraged to attend the June 14 meeting to make their opin- ions known to Redden and hear what they might expect from Del- DOT. No action was taken on a pro- posed charter change to allow non-resident property owners the right to vote in town elections. EXAMPLES OF MEDICARE FRAUD AND ABUSE Billing for services or equipment not received. Billing for individual psy- chotherapy when group counseling was provided. Altering claims to obtain a higher payment. Using another person's Medicare card to obtain medical care. [ f'elawaro I I -JFraud Alert 1-100-223-9074 Gall for free brochure or presentation This message was funded, in part, by a grant from the Administration on Ag- Ing, Department of Health and Human $4m¢ic. The exprofm¢l vtews are lhoN of the Delaware Divkdon pt/aJ it6. Councilman Harry "Chip" Hun- sicker initially proposed the change, but he could not attend the June 5 meeting. He was with his wife, Maura, as she delivered their first child, a son. As the town goes into budget discussions to determine the F'Y" 2001 budget, officials will priori- tize the estimated $1.8 million in needs for the water and sewer sys- terns over the next three to five years. Looking at the cost of paying off loans in the amounts neces- sary, Bushey said it would cost approximately $6,000 a month for 30 years. To pay down such a debt, Milton would he required tO raise sewer and water fees seven percent for three years in a row. "We have a lot of homework to do to figure this out," the mayor said. Seventeen Miles, SAIL INrllt os TO THE BARGAINS. From June 16 to October 15, your $15.5o ticket gets you round-trip foot passen- ger service, shoreside transportation and a book of coupons good at merchants in Cape May, Rehoboth Beach and Lewes. In Delaware, our shuttle will take you to downtown Lewes, Rehoboth Beach and Rehoboth Outlets. In New Jersey, the shuttle stops at the charming, historic shops in Victorian Cape May. Call 6o9-889-72oo or 3o2-644-6o3o for more information. SAN4PLE OUR TAStE- TEEING CLIISINE. For dinner, enjoy an a la carte dining experience any Monday through Friday, or on Saturdays and Sundays, try a buffet dinner. From June 29 to September lo, our mouth-watering buffet is featured in both the DeBraak Restaurant aboard the MV Twin Capes or the Atlantis Restaurant on the MV Cape May. For reservationS, call 1-8OO-64-FERRY. TAKE qLI6HTHOUSE PETIE FAMILY FUN £RUllSE" Come face-to-face with our new mascot on this three-hour cruise., Lighthouse Pete the Pirate ® will be therealong with music and clownsl Delicious food and beverages win be avallabie for purchase onboard. Departs the Cape May terminal at 4:2o pm or the Lewes terminal at , S:oo pm any Wednesday from July 12 to August 30.Tickets: $12.5o, $3,SC), . for children 6 and under. Call 1-8oo-64-FERRY for resencations. ; ; : FOR RESERVATIONS 1-800-64-FERRY FOR DEPARTURE TIMES CALL (302) 426-11SS FEIIY