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Lewes, Delaware
Jim's Towing Service
June 9, 2000     Cape Gazette
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June 9, 2000
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3Q -. CAPE GAZETTE, ,Friday, J.un@ .,:Jwn 15, [}00 ,. Governor honors outstanding Cape Region volunteers Resort Meals on Wheels among the top volunteers By Michael Short A number of local volunteers are recipients of the annual Gov- ernor's Outstanding Volunteer Awards. The annual awards highlight some of the most deyoted volun- teers in Delaware. "Every day, thousands of Delawareans volun- teer their time and talents to strengthen our neighborhoods, mentor our children, improve our environment and respond to calls for help," said Gov. Tom Carper at the April 12 awards. "Tonight, we honor the out- standing volunteer achievements of individuals, groups, communi- ties and businesses. This annual event provides an opportunity to recognize the countless hours, immeasurable girls and willing- ness to give of self demonstrated so generously by volunteers throughout Delaware," he contin- ued. Among the groups honored was Meals on Wheels of Lewes and Rehoboth Inc. "We are deeply grateful that our volunteers were chosen to receive this prestigious award," said Program Director Kathleen Keuski. "They truly de- serve to be recognized for their generosity, compassion and hard work." "This year our program entered its 30th year of service and this award highlights our anniver- sary," said Volunteer Coordinator Tracy Evans. Last year, 95 volunteers served an estimated 79,000 meals, deliv- ering two meals daily. Many vol- unteer drivers also help clients with necessities such as trans- portation to medical appoint- ments. Some clients have pets, and their drivers make sure that they have enough treats for the pets, too. Many volunteers distribute holiday gifts as well. The volunteers traveled about 54,000 miles last year while giv- ing roughly 5,000 hours of their own time. Other Sussex recipients includ- ed: May Truitt and Doris Betts for voluntering their time and being volunteer ombudsmen at the Millsboro Nursing Home; Gloria Houston for her work with the Adopt a Family program; Re- bekah LeGates for her volunteer work at Georgetown Elementary School; Joe Lear sr. for being an assistant to the Milford High School Band Director; Beverly Willis of the Sussex Pregnancy Care Center; Francis O. "Mac" McPherson, who volunteered as the Sussex County Family Court (McPherson's award was a spe- cial posthumous award); Sister Rosa Alvarez of La Esperanza in Georgetown; Dagsboro Church of God and Mountaire Farms Inc. for theirannual Thanksgiving din- ner for the needy; the South Coastal Chapter of the American Association of Retired Persons # 5226 for support of CHEER; Conectiv for its support of the lo- cal community, including efforts like the Governor's Walk at Beach Day to support Meals on Wheels; and Greenwood Trust Company in cooperation with Discover Fi- nancial Services for working with such programs as Adopt a School and Junior Achievement. Sister Rosa Alvarez spends her time with Sussex County's His- panic women, helping deliver more than 500 babies, cofounding two bilingual child care and edu- cational centers and protecting battered women and children. Sister Alvarez is by nature pub- licity shy, but she does interviews to help La Esperanza and the two child care centers Primeros Pasos YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS: SHOULD YOU SPEAK WITH AN INSURANCE ADJUSTER? Submitted photos Meals on Wheels of Lewes and Rehoboth is one of the re- cipients of the Governor's Outstanding Volunteer Awards. Shown during the April 12 awards ceremony are (l-r) Gover- nor Tom Carper; Meals on Wheels Volunteer Jack O'Neill; Meals on Wheels Volunteer Coordinator Tracy L Evans; Vol- unteer Jim McDaniel; Meals on Wheels Director Kathy Keus- ki and Lt. Governor Ruth Ann Minner. i Beverly Willis of the Sussex Pregnancy Care Center is one of many Sussex County volunteers honored recently by re- ceiving the Governor's Outstanding Volunteer Awards. and Primeros Pasitos. ',It is very rewarding and I en- joy working very much with these people," she said. "They are beautiful people. I give to them, but I receive from them as well." Willis works with mothers from age 14 to age 37 at the Sus- sex Pregnancy Care Center. Among her chief duties is to over- see the "Mommy and Me Shop" in which mothers earn "mommy dollars" by taking classes, watch- ing videos and doing other things to help them learn about parent- ing and child care. The idea is to encourage good parenting skills and to provide cut-rate prices on needed baby items for mothers who are often pressed for funds. "It's a rewarding endeavor and I wouldn't trade it for the world...Even if they wanted to, they couldn't kick me out of here," smiled Willis. "It's a hand up, not a hand out," Willis said. "This is probably the most rewarding thing I have ever done." t. RICHARD BARROS, ESQ. LAW PRACTICE LIMITED TO PERSONAL INJURY, MALPRACTICE AND WORKERS" COMPENSATION If you are injured in a car accident, should you speak with the insurance adjuster for the person who caused the acciden{? My usual recommendation is that you not give a statement unless you are reporting the accident to your own insurance carrier. You may be emotional or under medication and can say some- thing that can be used against you. Remember, the adjuster does not work for you, he works for the other guy! Please call me if you have any questions. I only represent injured clients. NO LEGAL FEE CHARGED WITHOUT A RECOVERY. eeeee New Office 1143 Savannah Road, Lewes, DE (302) 644-8510 web#ter furniture outlet • bedding • accessories • window treatments • outdoor furniture -: discount savings friendly customer service 16,000 Sq. Ft. Showroom Webster Furniture Outlet is Your Full-line Furniture Store with the Latest Furnishings & Styles of ... • furniture by Manufacturers like ... • Flexsteel • Ashley • Sealy • Riverside • Hooker • Klaussner • Restonic • Symbol We deliver to Annapolis, I • 90 Day Same As Cash Washington, D.C.. Baltimore. 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