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Continued from page 34
wipers look from side to side as
Trooper Dan spoke.
Over the years, Trooper Dan
was painted the two-tone blue,
like the patrol cars. However, he
was eventually returned to his
original white. Police believe
Trooper Dan gained his first wire-
less electronics for remote broad-
casting in 1988.
In 1992, Master Cpl. Charles
McCall Jr. redesigned the color-
ing book that preceded Trooper
Dan, but he retained the concept
and titled the new version "Troop-
er Dan's Safety Book."
Trooper Dan was mechanically
rehabilitated a number of times.
The overhaul was in 1998, for the
museum dedication.
Trooper Dan had a blown pis-
ton, and it took pieces from three
motors to make the car opera-
tional again. He had been in a
storage facility.
The tow-truck driver who trans-
ported Trooper Dan to the restor-
ers said it broke his heart to see all
the pigeon droppings covering
what had become such a friend to
Delaware's children, so he
washed it before he brought the
VW south.
A number of people assisted in
the restoration: S. Paul Hudson,
Jerry Marvel, Earl "Jake" War-
rington, David Hudson, Bob Her-
rington, Fisher Auto Parts, and
Joe's Paint and Body Shop. For
his retirement for daily display to
the public in the Delaware State
Police Museum, the gas was
drained and the battery was re-
moved. To this day, Trooper Dan
proudly bears the vanity plate
At the dedication of the muse-
um's addition, Coleman Stoops,
for whom the annex is named,
pointed out Trooper Dan's age to
MBNA CEO Charlie Cawley. On
the spot, Cawley gave instructions
to buy a new Trooper Dan car and
to send him the bill.
Sergeant Dan
On May 31, 2000, Trooper Dan
was officially retiring and Sgt.
Dan is being commissioned to
take his place. Although Sgt. Dan
Kozora to
wed McManus
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kozora
of Milford are pleased to an-
nounce the engagement of
their daughter, Jennifer, to
Ryan McManus, the son of
Mr. and Mrs. William Mc-
Manus of Rehoboth.
The bride-to-be is a 1996
graduate of Milford High
School and a 2000 graduate
of Roanoke Bible College,
Elizabeth City, N.C. She will
be attending graduate school
at Regent University in Vir-
ginia Beach, Va.
The groom-elect is a 1997
graduate of Cape Henlopen
High School in Lewes and is
a student at Roanoke Bible
A June 16 wedding is
has made several preview appear-
ances in parades and static dis-
plays, May 31 marked his debut
as an interactive instructional tool
for children.
MBNA America purchased the
1999 VW bug from the state po-
lice headquarters' neighbor,
Dover• Volkswagen Inc. and do-
nated it to continue the heritage.
Alfred "Clarence" Lloyd and his
son Jason of PHB, Inc. in Middle-
town modeled the new campaign
hat from 3-by-4-foot sheets of
metal, working from the original
designs. The hat, according to
Clarence Lloyd, is only about half
of an inch narrower than the orig-
inal Trooper Dan hat. Michael
Shehorn of the Delaware State
Police Transportation Section
painted the hat.
Deborah Breneman and Darren
Knowles, affectionately known as
"Too Tall" of Rogers Sign Com-
pany Inc. of Milton, installed the
campaign hat, wired all of Sgt.
Dan's special components, de-
signed and applied the decal de-
According to Lynn Rogers, the
company's owner, the real test
was to ensure the structural in-
tegrity of the roof after the hat
was installed.
As a guideline, he tilted the hat
to the same angle of a trooper's
hat - two fingers above the eye-
That made the hat aerodynamic
enough to stay on the roof of the
VW and able to withstand the vi-
brations of travel. He claimed
they accelerated Sgt. Dan to 75
mph to be sure the hat would be
wind-worthy, but there were no
radar or laser units in operation on
the road at the time to confirm
Thirty five students present for
the commissioning of Sgt. Dan
are from The Little School Inc. of
Their teacher, Paula Coleman,
will share comments during the
ceremony about her memories of
Trooper Dan and his interaction
with her children.
Editor's note: This summary
was compiled from the memories
and verbal accounts of several
people involved in Trooper Dan's
CAPE GAZETTE, Friday, June 9 - June 15, 2000 - 35
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After over 25 years in the antique business, Mr.
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