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Cape Gazette
Lewes, Delaware
Jim's Towing Service
June 9, 2000     Cape Gazette
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June 9, 2000
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Trlsh Vernon photo Rehoboth VFW Post 7447 donates to Cape Senior Center Woody Diveley, center, membership president for the Cape Henlopen Senior Center, ac- cepts a check in the amount of $1,000 from Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7447 Rehoboth Beach representatives, Cmdr. John A. Smith, left, and Jack MeDevitt, chaplain. The proceeds are a donation for the senior center's Spring in Our Footsteps Walkathon, held May 24. Veterans cemetery to host Flag Day ceremony The Commission of Veterans on the grounds of the Delaware ny, along with State Sen. George Affairs and the Delaware Veterans Veterans Memorial Cemetery 1o- Bunting Jr, and State Reps. Memorial Cemetery will conduct cated in Millsboro. Shirley Price and Charles West. its first military honors ceremony, Delaware governor Tom Carper June 14th marks th.e 223rd at 11 a.m., Wednesday, June 14, is scheduled to attend the ceremo- birthday of the United States flag. Saliba Continued from page 36 has been known to personally pay for prescribed medicines for pa- tients who could not afford the pharmacy costs. Saliba always demonstrated his commitment to Beebe Medical Center. He served as chief of sur- gery from 1986 to 1994, when he was elected chief of staff of Beebe Medical Center and he continues to be chief of staff to- day. He was first elected to the hos- pital's board of directors in 1987. Today he continues his board re- sponsibilities and serves as chair- man of the hospital's Strategic Planning Committee and is a member of the Executive Com- mittee. Because of his devotion to Beebe Medical Center as a mem- ber of its board of directors, Sali- ba was honored in 1999 with the prestigious Norman Baylis Award. Saliba and his life, Siham, have a son, Khalil, an attorney in Wilmington, and a daughter, Na- da Saliba Hart, an anesthesiolo- gist in Boston, Mass. Khalil and his wife Marcy have three daugh- ters, while Nada and her husband Tom have two sons. Members of the 2000 Distin- guished Citizen Award committee include Eugene Bookhammer, Dr. James Beebe, Dr. Pravin Gohel, Greg Hastings and John Hukill. Wallace Hudson is dinner chair- man. Rt. 1, Midway Shopping Center, Rehoboth Beach 302-644-4366 GRAND OPENING SALE! Saturday, June l Oth - factors • • 15% Off Ever _00hin00 ep e (exclude5 al¢ il;em, dry dog & cat. food 10"/o Off Dry Dog & Cat, Food Enter to win a 19" color TV to be given away that day! Come & See Rehoboth's newest Pet store[ Hours: Mon. Fri. 10 - 7 • Sat. 10 - 5 • Sun. 11 - 5 "CPlg GAZET, Friday, June 9" :+Jlae 152000 -" 37 Smith-Moore named first Sussex CHEER Center administrator Donna Smith-Moore has as- sumed the newly created position of ad- ministrator at the Warren L. and Charles C. Allen, Jr. CHEER Com- munity Center, which opened in September SMITH-MOORE of 1999. Smith-Moore has been CHEER's Marketing Director since 1995. Her educational back- ground includes an associate's de- gree in journalism from Delaware Tech, a bachelor's degree in busi- ness management from Wilming- ton College and a Master's degree in Educational Leadership from the University of Delaware. Smith-Moore has worked in the fields of both business and educa- tion with extensive experience in marketing and sales, public speaking and human resources. One of her goals in her new po- sition is to promote awareness of all that the CHEER Community Center has to offer. Call 854-9500 for detailed information or stop by and visit the staff at the intersec- tion of Sand Hill Road and Route 9 in Georgetown. MidW FREE LOCAL Studio Easel Converts to Table Italian-Made Studio Easels Mabe/ easels are made with the Deluxe utmost precision and have been designed to meet the needs of all Studio ar,ts. Easel Top quality solid beech wood con- wih WilIch struction guarantees hardness and solidity. Natural otis assure protec-' i tion and stability. These wonderful tools are intended to become +lffe- I1 long companions". Mabel products have the enviable reputation of being reliable, durable and of top-quality all over the world. Limited 1 year warranty. Made in Italy. ...... Table Sketchbox Easel Sketchbox _ Easel k \\; I Watercolor \\; Folding \\; Easel