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Lewes, Delaware
Jim's Towing Service
June 9, 2000     Cape Gazette
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June 9, 2000
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46" .CAEGPZE3[E, Friday, Jun.@ -,-4]mi16,0@0 ,' £ ancer Watch CIS answers frequently asked questions on cancer Q: I am concerned that I may be at higher risk for breast cancer because someone in my family has been diagnosed. How can I find out more about my risk and what 1 can do about it? A: If you call the National Cancer Institute's Cancer Inform- ation Service (CIS), a cancer Briefly Cancer in Common meets June 13 The next Cancer in Common meeting, set for 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, June 13, is the group's annual memorial service to remember those who have lost the cancer battle. The service will be in conjunc- tion with Epworth United Methodist Church's weekly praise service in the church sanctuary. Cancer in Common is a spirtu- ally based support group whose purpose is to provide a Christian environment for people whose lives have been touched by can- cer. Meetings are open to anyone who is a cancer survivor or cur- rently fighting cancer, and people close to them. Epworth is at 20 Baltimore Ave., Rehoboth Beach. For more information or direc- tions to the church, call the group's coordinator, Kaye Webb at 645-9711. I'm controlling my diabetes with a little help from my family. Controlling diabetes makes a HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF FROM MEDICARE FRAUD NEVER accept medical supplies or equipment from a door-to-door sales person. NEVER give your Medicare/ Medicaid number to anyone for a "free" service. They do not need your Medicare/ Medicaid number if the service is truly "free". NEVER give your Medicare/ Medicaid number over the telephone or to people you do not know. /f'Delawsre . Iedicare iFraud Alert ',it: J.800.223.9074 Call for free brochure or presentation This message was funded, in part, by a grant from the Administration on Ag- ing, Department of Health and Human Services. The expressed views are solely those of the Delaware Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities. information specialist can give you information about your risk for breast cancer and also infor- mation about genetic counseling, which you may want to consider. The CIS also maintains a current list of genetic counselors. Q: A friend is part of a breast cancer prevention study called STAR. Since i am interested, how can ! ge} information about the study ? A: For information about the Study of Tamoxifen and Raloxifene (STAR), and to find a participating institution near you, call the National Institute's Cancer Information Service at 800-4-CANCER. In the study, the drugs tamoxifen and raloxifene are compared for their effective- IOur new idea in ILong Term care does away with confusing "benefit periods",., but there's a catch. It may cost you less__00. Now there's a policy that cov- ers both nursing home and home health care from the same sizeable "dollar account" -- a set sum of money  can use. So you have more flexibil- ity than policies with separate fixed benefits -- yet remark- ably, your premium rate will likely be lower. That's a real breakthrough! With the cost of long term cire $36,000* or more p_gr. ey.g_., you'll be glad you have the important protection of this new Long Term Care Policy GR-N105. Especially when it's so affordable. "Call me for details... there's no obligation." CaU Me Today: / (302) 226-3955 Jayne Waldridge BANKER'S LIFE AND CASUALTY COMPANY Chicago, lllinois S-5211 *Health Insurance Association of America. The Consumers Guide to Long Term Care Insurance. 1"Policy GR-N 105 hess in reducing the occurrence of breast cancer in postmenopausal women aged 35 and older who are at increased risk for the disease. Tamoxifen has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for reducing the incidence of invasive breast can- cer in women at high risk for the disease. It has been suggested that raloxifene, though not as thor- oughly researched, is similar to tamoxifen and may have the same ability. Q: / would really like to quit smoking. Does anyone offer screening cessation help on the phone? A: Yes. Call the CIS at 800-4- CANCER. Trained cancer infor- mation specialists can help you using the program Calling It Quits and adapting the program to your needs and interests. Q: I'm 41 and have been hear- ing a lot about colon cancer and screening but can't remember what screening tests i should be having• Is there an organization i can call for information ? A: Yes. The CIS, a free infor- mation and referral service, can give you the latest information about screening and early detec- tion. CIS is available by calling 800- 4-CANCER between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. The CIS can provide telephone and written information about • cancer prevention, screening and early detection, treatment, smok- ing cessation and community resources. I have diabetes so I need to keep my blood sugar under control. My family is a big help, too. When we get together, they always remember to serve a variety of healthy foods. And the grandldds keep me moving - they like to walk with me whenever they visit. My wife reminds me to take my medicine and to test my blood sugar. With my diabetes under control, I fed a lot better and have more energy. Best of all, I'm going to be around for my family.., for my friends.., for life. iiiii A joint program ' of the National Institutes of ^ I t O s A t Health and the Centers for : i:: Disease Control t' R o G t A m and Prevention. Call 1-800'438-5383 to learn more. Or visit us at our website: Control your ....... diaSetes. A American Diabetes DELAWARE HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES mi,, Association,