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Lewes, Delaware
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June 9, 2000     Cape Gazette
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June 9, 2000
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-- 54-CAPE GAZETTE, Frida oNan dhmv 15,'2t0 Burnham earns masters at Rutgers University Michael Scan Burnham, of Cherry Hill, N.J., received his masters of science in biology at Rutgers University on May 24. His study focused on the develop- ing science of gene therapy and its applications. He is currently em- ployed as a senior scientist at Vi- romed Inc. in Camden. Burnham graduated from Cape Henlopen High School in 1988 and from the University of Delaware in 1992. He is the son of Skip and Fay Burnham of Milton. Ullman promoted to full professor at UD William J. Ullman of Lewes was one of 36 faculty members of the University of Delaware to re- ceive a promotion to full profes- sor, effective Sept. 1. Ullman is a professor in the uni- versity's marine studies program. UD Academy to host a variety of excursions The University of Del.aware's Southern Academy of Lifelong Learning will sponsor a four-day trip to the Ohio Light Opera's pro- ductions of Naughty Maria and the Gypsy Baron from July 25-28. The group is also planning a trip to the Grand Opera House in Wilmington Nov. 5 to see La Bo- heme, and the Nov. 6 production of Tales of Hoffman. Tickets in- clude roundtrip transportation from Lewes. For more information, call Bar- bara Lloyd at Footloose Tours at 684-1600. Palmer receives Elon scholarship Zachary Palmer of Lewes has received a Presidential Scholar- ship for $2,000 at Elon College, North Carolina, where he is a freshman. The scholarships of $1,000 to $3,000 are awarded to the top one-quarter of entering freshmen. The awards are based on high school course selection, class rank and SAT/ACT scores. Sussex Middle's Baker earns teaching award The National Council for Geo- graphic Education recently award- ed Cynthia Baker, of Sussex Cen- tral Middle School, its annual Dis- tinguished Teaching Achievement Award for 2000. Awards were given to 36 K-12 teachers and seven college profes- sors from across the United States and Canada. The award recognize outstand- ing contributions to geographic education. Colleagues submitted nominations for the awards and awardees were chosen by judging panels at the elementary, middle/junior high, senior or post secondary level. Rosanne Pack photos H.O. Brittingham Elementary observes Young Authors Day Above left, observing Young Authors Day, Assistant Princi- Above right, glowing with pride over his very own story, pal Marian Wolak sits right down with students at H.O. Brit- Robbie Edwards reads to H.O.B. secretary Laura Brown. tingham as they take turns reading and commenting on During Young Authors Day, students took the books that each works written by students of all ages. of them wrote and illustrated to all parts of the school from Joining Wolak in comments are Elyshia Bowden, left, and the cafeteria to the nurse's office to the principal's office Jessica Brittingham. where they read to staff members. Cape High Key Club presents checks to local organizations The Cape Henlopen High School Key Club, a community service organization sponsored by the Rehoboth Beach Kiwa- nis Club, recently held a run/walk to benefit three different groups. One is the Cape Henlopen School District Mentoring Program, with the Key Club donating $575 to the cause. Shown, above left, during the presentation are (l-r) Emily Martin, William Wightman and Auni Gohel, all Key Club members, with Joanne Reihm, lead mentor, and Esthelda Parker Selby, acting personnel director. The Key Club also Submitted photos presented a check to the Kiwanis Club of Rehoboth Beach. Shown, above right, during the presentation are (l-r) Robin Rubolin, Key Club members; Rogers Jones, president of the Kiwanis Club; William Wightman and Auni Gohel from the Key Club; Sue Comorat, co-advisor of the Key Club; Gloria Hardesty, co-advisor; Tony Perrello, Kiwanis Club treasurer;, Emily Martin from the Key Club; and Warren MacDonald, Ki- wanis Club historian. The Key Club also donated $575 to READ-ALOUD Delaware. Submitted photo Cape teachers, student honored Two Cape Henlopen School District English teachers and one student were honored at the Delaware Association of Teachers of English (DATE) spring conference Thursday, June 1. Milton Middle School language arts teacher Deanne McCredie was selected as the DATE middle school teacher of the year. Cape High English teacher Charlene Nichols was one of the finalists for the high school teacher of the year. Each received gift certificates from Staples. Cape senior Pa- tricia Capiro, features editorof the school newspaper, was awarded $100 in recognition of her selection as the DATE stu- dent honored for her work in language arts. Capiro plans to major in broadcast journalism at Syracuse Univbrsity. Funds raised for new water fountain Rehoboth Elementary School fourth grader Ian Evans, at right, enjoys a cool drink from the stainless steel water fountain, the newest addition to the playground. The PTO extends its thanks to the community for raising funds, and has erected a sign displaying the larger contrib- utors near the site. Since many students also con- tributed to the fund raising effort, a brass plate on the three-tiered, handicapped accessible fountain reads: Dedicated to the Children of Rehoboth Elementary: YOU are the Future. The PTO would like to es- pecially thank Harry Caswell, who donated his goods and services to install the fountain; and to Tyrone Woodyard for his help in making this addition to the grounds a reality. Submitted photo