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June 9, 2000     Cape Gazette
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June 9, 2000
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76- CAPE GAZETTE, Friday, June 9 - June15, 2000 TicKets now on sale for 'Razzle Dazzle' performances at RAL The Razzle Dazzle revue will come to town June 17 and 18 for three performances only at the Chambers Studio at the Rehoboth Art League. Spotlighting a trio of profes- sional musical comedy perform- ers, Razzle Dazzle is an eclectic collection of musical numbers about the complicated world of show business - featuring classic show tunes as well as some deli- ciously obscure words and music. With topics plucked from the news and no sacred cows left un- sung, Razzle Dazzle takes on Hol- lywood and Times Square. Starring Margaret Allman, Hans Bachmann and Eric C. Pe- terson, Razzle Dazzle 2000 takes aim at both Broadway and Holly- wood in a fast paced cabaret per- formance. The trio was in Re- hoboth Memorial Day for a re- hearsal, with both Bachmann and Peterson using their days off from other Washington, D.C. produc- tions to make the day trip to the beach. The show, produced by Fay J. Productions, in partnership with the Rehoboth Art League, will have performances at 7 and 9:30 p.m., Saturday, June 17, with a 4 p.m. performance Sunday, June 18. For tickets, call the Art League at 227-8408. An edition of Razzle Dazzle, first presented locally in Lewes two years ago, played to sold out houses and rave reviews. Razzle Dazzle 2000 includes music from show biz legends like Irving Berlin, Cole Porter and Andrew Lloyd Weber and songs from shows such as 42nd Street, Annie Get Your Gun, Caberet, and more. The show is directed by Fay Ja- cobs, whose theatrical rdsum6 in- cludes more than 25 years of pro- fessional productions in the Washington, D.C. area. Jacobs was last represented at the beach with February's sold-out run of Love Letters at the Art League. The three veteran performers Balloon Continued from page 74 Boys & Girls Club of Milford and Ann Marie Johnson and Cassie Johnson of Milton. The "beach country" sounds of Randy Lee Ashcraft and the Salt Water Cowboy close out the day as featured entertainers. The singer/songwriter and his band won hearts and kept a crowd of formally dressed ADA supporters stomping and scootin' at the Black Tie Hoe Down held earlier this year at the Rehoboth Country Club. Ashcraft performs at 6:30 p.m.; all entertainment at the fes- tival is free. A balloon glow is set each night, weather permitting. If winds and dry weather cooperate, 16 balloons will lift off between 5:30 and 6 a.m. Saturday morn- ing. An additional attraction for the weekend, the Milton Fire Compa- ny hosts a carnival complete with rides and games to attract young and old alike. The carnival is set in a field across from the festival grounds. Included in corporations and agencies exhibiting at the festival are Beebe Medical Center, Happy Harry's, the Delaware Depart- ment of Insurance, the Delaware State Fair, Coneetiv and Merck Pharmaceuticals. The presenting sponsor is Greenwood Trust; Aventis Pharmaceuticals is also a sponsor. The annual balloon and craft festival opens at noon, Friday, June 9, on the grounds of the Mil- ton Family Practice, 424 Mulber- ry Street. Saturday, June 10, the festival opens at 9 a.m.; the festi- val grounds close at 9 p.m. each night. Admission to the grounds is free; there is a $3 parking fee which benefits the ADA. Parking is available on the grounds of H.O. Brittingham Elementary School, next to the Milton Family Practice. have worked in major D.C. ven- ues including the Kennedy Cen- ter, Ford's Theatre and the Na- tional Theatre, as well as smaller, well-known stages such as Hori- zons, the Source and Keegan Theater. Razzle Dazzle 2000 features choreography by Margaret All- man, who, along with Peterson, are veterans of the original Razzle Dazzle. Peterson last appeared at the Art League in Love Letters. Washington, D.C. set designer Don Gardiner will be in town helping once again to turn the Art League's Chambers Studio into an intimate comfortable theater. While most people were disap- pointed with the rainy Memorial Day weekend, Gardiner used the time to get a head start on Razzle Dazzle scenery. According to Jacobs, the Chambers Studio proved to be a great setting for a small produc- tion, with an elevated stage af- fording the audience an excellent view of the actors. "With just a few adjustments and theatrical gels, the same lights used to spot- light artists' models work very well for stage lighting," she said. Early reservations are suggest- ed. For more information or to make reservations, call the Art League at 227-8408. Submitted photo The trio above, Hans Bachmann, Margaret Allman and Eric C. Peterson, will appear in the Razzle Dazzle revue at the Re- hoboth Art League Chambers Studio Saturday and Sunday, June 17-18. Lecture to focus on theater awards June 12 The Henlopen Theater Project will hold an interactive discussion about what makes certain plays win the Nobel, Pulitzer or Tony Awards. Participants can discover what makes certain plays winners. Excerpts of works by Miller, Sondheim and Beckett and shows such as Rent and Chicago will be discussed with Lee Musoff. The event will be held at 7 p.m., Mon- day, June 12, at the South Coastal Library in Bethany Beach. For details, call 226-4103.