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88 - CAE" G, Friday, June'9 ?'Jun6 i5, 000
Rehoboth Sununer Children's Theatre seeks f efformers
Season opens
with Peter Pan
on June 22
Adult performers, age 18 and
older, are being sought for day
and/or evening performances
with the Rehoboth Summer Chil-
dren's Theatre.
Auditions will be held by ap-
pointment during the week of
June 12 at the Epworth United
Methodist Church on Baltimore
Avenue, Rehoboth Beach.
Rehoboth Summer Children's
Theatre (RSCT) is a professional
company providing family=ori-
ented programming. The theater
is seeking performers for Pinoc-
Continued from page 87
Knight and Wayne Newton, every
month, while its Garden Caf6
lounge offers nightly entertain-
ment and dancing.
The company is affiliated with
Dover Downs Entertainment Inc.,
which owns and operates a multi-
purpose entertainment complex
conducing NASCAR auto racing,
pari-mutuel harness racing on
simulcast harness and thorough-
bred horse races and video lottery
- slot machine - operations in
Dover. The company operates the
historic Nashville Speedway at
the Tennessee State Fairgrounds
in Nashville; organizes and pro-
chio, Snow White and the Emper-
or's New Clothes. All positions
are paid.
These three shows are the
unique and dynamic two-actor
versions that are the hallmark of
The shows call for high energy
performers who can play multiple
characters. The scripts are de-
signed for fast-paced action and
broad physical humor.
The audition process consists
of three activities - comic improv-
isations, script readings and
movement. Performers need not
prepare material in advance.
For more information, call
Steve Seyfried at 227-6766.
RSCT opens its nineteenth sea-
son June 22 with a performance
of Peter Pan. The show is set for
7:30 p.m. at Epworth United
motes the Toyota Grand Prix of
Long Beach, Calif; and owns and
operates Gateway International
Raceway near St. Louis, Me.
This year's Hospital Benefit, to
be held the evening of Monday,
July 3, on the green of the Cape
May terminal in New Jersey, will
also feature a fireworks display
over the Delaware Bay. Concert
patrons coming from the
Delaware shore will sail across
from. Lewes aboard the MV Twin
Capes, the flagship of the Cape
May-Lewes Ferry fleet.
The benefit's star performer,
Martina McBride, best known for
her rendition of the song, "I Love
You," has won many awards, in-
cluding Female Vocalist of the
Year from the Country Music As-
- - ..... ainn00r.'00 .... "
-Come fi0me f'or ....
37 Baltimore Avenue
Breakfast * Lunch * Dinner
casual, comfortable, & affordable
Now Open Every Night
P00ti0 44:30
Methodist Church. Tickets are
$4.50 per person. The other
shows will run on a revolving ba-
sis throughout the summer. In ad-
dition to the evening shows in Re-
hoboth Beach, there will be a se-
ries of Tuesday morning perform-
ances at Cape Henlopen High
School. There is also an outreach
tour of Snow White which will
cover locations in Kent and Sus-
sex County.
Young performers, ages 5 to 12,
can get involved with Thursday
morning workshops. There is a
more elaborate performance ap-
prentice program for children
ages 12 to 16.
For a complete listing of
events, visit RSCT's Web site at
<www.ce.net/rsct> or call 227-
6777 and ask for a schedule to be
Rehoboth Summer Children's Theatre opens its season
with "Peter Pan" on June 22 and adult performers are being
sought for day and evening performances.
sociation, and Top Country Fe-
male Artist, from Billboard
Charts in 1999. She was also
nominated for a Grammy Award
for Best Female Country Vocal
Performance for "I Love You,"
and for the Academy of Country
Music's Female Vocalist of the
Year Award. The Delaware Sym-
phony Orchestra, led by Stephen
Gunzenhauser, makes a welcome
return to the benefit. In addition
to its popular repertoire, the or-
chestra will premiere a specially
commissioned piece by composer
Robert Macht, the winning com-
position for the state of Delaware
in the National Endowment of the
Arts Continental Harmony pro-
gram. A fireworks cruise from
Lewes on the MV Cape May,
starts at 8 p.m. the same evening
and features live entertainment on
board. Tickets are $20 for adults,
$10 for children 12 and younger.
To make reseryations, call 800-
.64-FERRY. More information on
sponsorships and concert tickets
is available from John Sarro at
at De/aware
par:rot Head
:RO'€ IEAD proudly presents
"Boat Drinks Bacchanal"
Saturday, June 17, 2000
Noon till 5 p.m.
The Lighthouse Restaurant
on the canal in Lewes, DE
-- starring-
Florida Recording Artist
Jim Morris & The Big Bamboo Band
featuring our own
Richard "Shock" Shockley
spinning your favorite Buffett tunes
Cost $10.00 in advance $12.00 at the door
$1.50 Coronas $2.00 Margaritas
$6,00 buckets of 6 Coronitas
Grill will be open to purchase sandwiches.
For more info: Delbelle2@aol.com (Sylvia)
302-227-2157. PetsO07aol.com (Denise)
302-684-4117 or Jopenick@dol.net (Joe)
For tickets: Mail check to:
Sylvia Diehl
1 Bay Harbor Circle
Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
Proceeds to benefit: Alzheimer's Association of DE
The Movies at
Rt. One, Midway Shopping Center
Rehoboth Beach
4 Shows Daily - 1:25 4:05 6:30 9:00
5 Shows Daily - 1:00 3:00 5:00 7:00 9:00
5 Shows Daily - 1:20 3:20 520 7:20 9:20
GONE IN 60 SECONDS (1:50)(R)
4 Shows Daily - 1:10 3:50 620 8:50
GONE IN 60 SECONDS (1:50)(R)
4 Shows Daily - 1:504:40 7:109:40
4 Shows Daily - 1:203:45 6:459:25
4 Shows Daily - 2:054:30 7:109:45
ROAD TRIP (1:44)(R)
4 Shows Daily - 1:554:15 6:45 9:40
ROAD TRY' (1:44)(9)
4 Shows Daily- 2:10 4:05 6:30 9:00
4 Shows Daily - 1:30 4:00 6:30 9:05
4 Shows Daily - 1:05 3:55 6:40 9:30
mSa0N mDSSBLE 2 (2:08X PG-t 3)
4 Shows Daily - 1:35 420 7.06 9:50
3 Shows Daily - 3:00 6:00 9:15
11-571 (1:56)(PG-13)
4 Shows Daily - 1:45 420 6:50 920
Frl., June 9 thru - Thins., Jtme 15
Rehoboth Mall
Rehoboth Mall, Route One,
Rehoboth Beach
1 Show Nightly 8:00
2 Shows Nightly 7:15 9:40
BIG IOtHUNA (1:31)(R)
2 Shows Nightly 7:00 9:15
2 Shows Nightly 7:00 9:15
2 Shows Nightly 7:20 9:30
2 Shows Nightly 7:20 9:30