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92 - CAPE GAZETTE, Friday, June 9 - June 15, 2000
Fri. June 9
Peel your own shrimp, 5-9 p.m., at VFW Post
7447, State Road, Rehoboth Beach. One pound,
$9.95; one pound with pitcher of beer, $10.95;
oyster sandwiches or clam strips, $3. For details,
call 227-3469.
Career Closet, a nonprofit resale clothing
shop located in the Blue Hen Mall and Corporate
Center, Rt. 113, Dover, will be open from I0
a.m. to 6 p.m. For details, call 302-398-3898 or
Meeting of the Friends of the Overfalis Light-
ship, 7:30 p.m. at St. Peter's Parish Hall, Second
and Mulberry sts., Lewes. Guest speaker will be
Louis N. Toobert, who served as helmsman for
more than two years on the ship.
June 9-10
Eleventh annual Delmarva Hot Air Balloon
& Craft Festival, 424 Mulberry St., Milton, on
grounds of Milton Family Practice. Hours, noon
to 9 p.m. June 9; 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. June 10. Park-
ing ($3) available adjacent to festival next to car-
nival grounds and at H.O. Brittingham Elemen-
tary School. Festival features carnival rides, hot
air balloons and hot air balloon rides, 150 craft,
art and antique dealers and benefit auction at 7
p.m. June 9. Daylong entertainment by local and
regional bands. Headline bands on June 10 will
be First State Force Band at 5 p.m. with Randy
Lee Ashcraft and Salt Water Cowboys to follow.
Proceeds from festival to benefit American Dia-
betes Association.
Sun. June 11
"A Taste of Coastal Delaware 2000," spon-
sored by the Bethany-Fenwick Area Chamber of
Commerce, 1-4 p.m. rain or shine at the entrance
to Bethany Beach. Tickets, $25 for adults; $10
for children age 12 and under. Enjoy samples
from area restaurants and gourmet shops. For
details, call Nancy Lucy, 539-1919, Ext. 11.
Mon. June 12
Film Fest entry screening, 7 p.m. at the
Rehoboth Beach Film Society office, Rehoboth
Mall. Help pick films for November's festival.
For details, call 645-9095.
"Concert in the Park," 3 p.m. at CHEER
Community Center, Rt. 9 and Sand Hill Rd.,
Georgetown. Music by Sky Brady. Free admis-
sion. For details, call 854-9500.
Wed. June 14
calling 854-9500.
CPR class taught by Thalia Fisher, 1:30 p.m.
at the CHEER Community Center, Rt. 9 and
Sand Hill Rd., Georgetown. Cost, $2. Preregis-
tration required by calling 854-9500.
Golf tournament, "Classic at the Greens" to
benefit the American Heart Association, at Bay-
wood Greens off Long Neck Rd. There will be
many prizes and awards. Foursome entry fee,
$400 which includes greens fees, cart, lunch and
buffet dinner. For details, call 856-7386.
Storytime for preschoolers ages 3-5, 11:30
a.m. at the Lewes Public Library, 111 Adams
Ave., Lewes.
Thurs. June 15
Annual Deimarva Chicken Festival in Berlin,
Md. Festival opens at 11 a.m. June 9 and contin-
ues through Saturday evening. Highlights
include musical entertainment, arts and crafts
show, home and trade show, educational dis-
plays, train rides and a carnival. Admission is
free with ample free parking. For details, call
the Delmarva Poultry Industry, 856-9037.
Sat. June 10
American Legion Shrimp Feast, 3-8 p.m., at
Post Home, King Charles Ave., Rehoboth
Beach. Eat in or take out. Shrimp, half pound,
$5; pound, $9.90; with pitcher of beer, $10.90;
clams, $2.50; oyster sandwiches, $3. For details,
call 227-8999.
Annual Variety Show presented by the Cape
Henlopen Senior Center, 2 and 7 p.m. at the
Cape Henlopen High School Little Theater,
Kings Hwy., Lewes. Tickets, $6 per person and
are available at the Senior Center, 11 Christian
St., Rehoboth Beach. Limited tickets at the
door. For details, call 227-2055.
Film Fest entry screening, 7 p.m. at the
Rehoboth Beach Film Society office, Rehoboth
Mall. Help pick films for November's festival.
For details, call 645-9095.
"Best of the Beach" art auction and dinner to
benefit Beebe Medical Center and the Rehoboth
Art League, 6 p.m. on grounds of Beebe Medical
Center, Savannah Rd., Lewes. Event includes
silent auction, gourmet dinner, music and danc-
ing. To donate an auction item or to receive an
invitation, call Beebe Medical Foundation, 644-
Annual yard sale, 9 a.m. until ? at St. James
Anglican Church, Rt. 9 and Park Ave., George-
SpringFest 2000, a church bazaar and health
fair, 9 a.m.-noon at Mt. Zion A.M.E. Church, Rt.
16, Ellendale. Free prostate and blood pressure
screenings; clinical breast exams. Yard sale,
bake sale and car wash, 8 a.m. to noon; barbe-
cued chicken and fried fish dinners available
from noon to 3 p.m. Yard sale table cost $10.
For details, call 422-0380 or 422-5808.
Yard and bake sale, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. on the
green at Midway Shopping Center (just south of
Roadhouse). Proceeds to benefit the Midway
Lions Club sight fund.
Henlopen Theater Project will present "Why
Certain Plays Win the Nobel, Pulitzer or Tony,"
an interactive discussion with Lee Musoff, 7
p.m. at the South Coastal Library, Kent. Ave.,
Betlfany Beach. Free admission. For details and
reservations, call 226-4103.
Tues. June 13
Film Fest entry screening, 7 p.m. at the
Rehoboth Beach Film Society office, Rehoboth
Mall. Help pick films for November's festival.
For details, call 645-9095.
Sussex County Bookmobile will stop at the
following locations and times: Bayport Recre-
ation Center, Milton, 3-3:30 p.m.; New Market
Mobile Home Park, Eilendale, 3:45-4:15 p.m.;
Redden, railroad tracks, 4:30-5.
READ-ALOUD Delaware volunteer training
session, 10 a.m. in the conference room of
Delaware National Bank, Rt. I, Rehoboth Beach.
For details, call 856-2527.
Sussex County Bookmobile will stop at the
following locations and times: Angola Pinewa-
ter Farms, 10-10:30 a.m.; Angola by the Bay,
10:45-11:15 a.m.; Angola Beach Estates, I 1:30-
noon; West Bay Mobile Home Park, 12:15-12:30
p.m.; Camelot Mobile Home Park, !:15-1:45
p.m.; Sea Air Mobile Home Park, 2-2:30 p.m.;
Midway Shopping Center, 2:45-3 p.m.; Sussex
East Park, 3:15-4 p.m.
Breakfast seminar, "Keeping Infections
Under Control" with Dr. Khawand from Beebe
Medical Center, 9:30 a.m. at the CHEER Com-
munity Center, Rt. 9 and Sand Hill Rd., George-
town. Cost, $5. Reservations required by June
12 by calling 854-9500.
Meeting of the Kiwanis Club of Rehoboth
beach, 6 p.m. at the Lamp Post Restaurant, Rt. 1
at Midway. Guest speaker will be Lt. Gov. Ruth
Ann Minner, candidate for governor. Cost,
$13.50. For details and reservations, call Rogers
Jones, 226-3356..
Storytime for toddlers age 20-36 months,
10:30 a.m. at the Lewes Public Library, 111
Adams Ave., Lewes.
Wed. June 14
Deck party, 3 p.m. at CHEER Community
Center, Rt. 9 and Sand Hill Rd., Georgetown.
Enjoy music and refreshments on the patio. For
details, call 854-9500.
Monthly meeting of the Rehoboth Beach
Film Society, 7 p.m. on the second floor of Dog-
fish Head Brewings & Eats, 320 Rehoboth Ave.,
Rehoboth Beach. There will be a screening of
"Run Lola Run." Nonmembers are welgome.
For details, call 645-9095.
Fri. June 16
Film Fest entry screening, 7 p.m. at the
Rehoboth Beach Film Society office, Rehoboth
Mail. Help pick films for November's festival..
For details, call 645-9095.
Men's breakfast, 8:30 a.m. at CHEER Com-
munity Center, Rt. 9 and Sand Hill Rd., George-
town. Program - Preserving the Memories of
World War II with guest speaker Ed Okonowicz.
Cost, $5. Reservations required by June 12 by
Peel your own shrimp, 5-9 p.m., at VFW Post
7447, State Road, Rehoboth Beach. One pound,
$9.95; one pound with pitcher of beer, $10.95;
oyster sandwiches or clam strips, $3. For details,
call 227-3469.
Career Closet, a nonprofit resale clothing
shop located in the Blue Hen Mall and Corporate
Center, Rt. 113, Dover, will be open from l0
Publish your event in the Calendar
Information for this calendar that appears in the Cape Gazette every
Friday, must be submitted each Wednesday by noon. Mail your calendar
item to Cape Gazette, PO Box 213, Lewes, DE 19958; call us at 645-
7700; or stop by our office, 36 Midway Shopping Center, Route 1,
Rehoboth Beach.
Fri. June 16
a.m. to 6 p.m. For details, call 302-398-3898 or
Fourth annual Dance Showcase 2000 pre-
sented by the Coastal Dance Academy, 7 p.m. at
Milford High School. Tickets, $5 for adults; $3
for students; age 5 and under free.
Storytime for infants to age 20 months, 10:t5
a.m. at the Lewes Public Library, 111 Adams,
Ave., Lewes.
June 16-17
Tenth annual Lewes Garden Tour and Gar-
den Cocktail Party. Cocktail party 6:30-8 p.m.
on June 16 at the Cape May-Lewes Ferry Termi-
nal patio deck. Garden tour 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on
June 17 of various gardens in the City of Lewes.
Cost of the garden tour, $10 in advance; $12 the
day of the tour. Cost of cocktail party, $12.
Cocktail party and garden tour, $17. Tickets
available at the Lewes Chamber of Commerce,
120 Kings Hwy., Lewes. For details, call 645-
Sat. June 17
American Legion Shrimp Feast, 3-8 p.m., at
Post Home, King Charles Ave., Rehoboth
Beach. Eat in or take out. Shrimp, half pound,
$5; pound, $9.90; with pitcher of beer, $10.90;
clams, $2.50; oyster sandwiches, $3. For details,
call 227-8999.
Twenty-second annual June Jam, noon until
?, at G&R Campground, two miles east of the
Delaware State Fair in Houston. Concert head-
lined by the legendary Dave Mason. Other
bands include vinyl shockley, The Funsters,
Furious George, Mercy River, The Joe Martone
Trio, Miss Niki Ban" and Last Call Jaded Angel.
Tickets, $29 per person. For details and tickets,
call 302-284-5863.
Film Fest entry screening, 7 p.m. at the
Rehoboth Beach Film Society office, Rehoboth
Mall. Help pick films for November's festival.
For details, call 645-9095.
40th District Democrat Committee dinner, 6
p.m. at the Laurel Legion Home, Rt. 24, Laurel.
Guest speaker will be John Carney, candidate for
lieutenant governor. Tickets, $25. For details
and tickets, call 875-2674.
Strawberry Festival, 1-4 p.m. at St. George's
Chapel on Rt. 23 (Beaver Dam Rd.), Angola. Ice
cream, cake and strawberries; magic show at
1:30 and 2:30 p.m.; music by Back Bay Strum-
mers at 2 and 3 p.m. Cost, $6 for adults; $3 for
children age 12 and under. Rain date, Sunday,
June 18. Proceeds to go towards building a
parish hall. For details, call 644-4418.
Opening of pool at Del Tech, Georgetown.
Hours, noon to 6 p.m. Monday-Friday; 10 a.m.
to 6 p.m. weekends and holidays. Daily admis-
sion, $3 for adults; $2 for children ages 2-12 and
college students and staff; l0 percent discount
for senior citizens. Season passes also availabl6.
For details, call 854-6966.
Yard and bake sale, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at
Zwaanendael Clubhouse, corner of Savannah
Rd. and Third St., Lewes. White elephants, jew-
elry, cookies, brownies, lemonade, etc.
Delaware Seashore Parrot Head Club will
host "Boat Drinks Bacchanal 2000," 5 p.m. on
the deck at Fisherman's Wharf, Lewes. Enter-
tainment by Jim Morris and the Big Bamboo
Band. Tickets, $10 in advance, $12 at the door;
$5 for ages 7-20; free for children 6 and under.
Proceeds to benefit the Alzbeimer's Association
of Delaware. Advance tickets can be purchased
at the Mizzen Mast or by calling 227-2157.
Whirl-A-Ways Square Dance Club dancing,
8 p.m., at Del Tech Exhibit Hall, Georgetown, to
the calling of Gary Felton. Guests welcome. For
details call 945-2694.