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Cape Gazette
Lewes, Delaware
Jim's Towing Service
June 9, 2000     Cape Gazette
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June 9, 2000
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CAPE GAZETTE, Friday, June 9 - June 15, 2000 - 95 ..... :i  SP()RTS; OUTDOORS Major Cubs cruise to victory No. 13 with 18-3 romp Above left, Scan Tappan moved to shortstop after recording six strikeouts on the mound for the Cubs in the 18-3 victory. At right, Jarrid Dulin of the Dodgers slides safely into second base as Cubs second baseman Chris Donges applies the late tag. Lewes Little League team aims for undefeated season By Dave Frederick Greg Mack relayed a great quote about a re- cent Cubs game at the Lewes Little League Park. "Sean Tappan was heading for home with Jay Marsh close behind. Sean crossed the plate and turned around and said, 'Look out! Here comes Meals on Wheels!'" Any pitcher in the Lewes Little League will tell you that the top of the Cubs lineup has been feasting on opponents all season. Chris Donges, Tappan and Marsh have combined for 14 fence-clearing home runs in 13 games. Players Billy Cunningham, Jimmy Gill, Donges, Tappan and Marsh have been in the Majors since they were 10. The Cubs are two- time defending league champions looking for a three-peat and undefeated season to close out their careers at the Lewes Park. "This may sound funny when speaking of 12-year-olds, but this is just a classy group of kids," said manager Ed Gill. "There is never any dancing around the bases or finger-point- ing or other exhibitions of poor sportsmanship. They have handled all the success very humbly." Lanky Tappan, well on his way to matching Continued on page 97 'Dan Cook photos Bryan Mack goes afer a bat- ter with high heat to close out the Cub victory over the Dodgers Wednesday evening, June 7. I'm fatally attracted to the sagas of the sea, but... UNDER PRESSURE! - The Washington Redskins signed 32- year-old Dione Sanders June 5 to a $30 million contract which in- cluded an $8 million signing bonus. Already this year, the Red- skins have signed free agents Bruce Smith, Mark Carrier, Jeff George and Adrian Murrell. They ais0 traded to get two of the top three picks in April's draft, choos- ing Penn State linebacker LaVar Arrington and Alabama tackle Chris Samuels. The Skins have set themselves up for the big fall! Anything short of a Super Bowl victory will be money poorly spent. I remember Dione was a guest on the Letterman Show the night the Punkin' Chunkers took Under Pressure to the Big Crab Apple. For two hours the John EIIsworth and Doc Pepper Pneu- matic contraption hurled footballs down Broadway. But when it came time for the live show, Dione didn't want to come out in the rain. What a turf toe wussy! Here's the rub-a-dub-dub! Both Dione and Darrell Green will bounce off of big running backs like checks on a college loan. Durability may be a problem. The PEOPLE IN SPORTS Dave Frederick Redskins appear to have no weak- nesses! But just wait until the Ea- gles get a hold of them! RED RIGHT RETURN! - The great thing about Sussex County is that everybody knows what they know and they all know pret- ty much the same thing minus some important facts, which never are allowed to stand in the way of a good story. I once ran a Boston Whaler over a submerged jetty in Rehoboth Bay trying to get back into the canal after visiting the Rudder. I kept red on my right but, unfortunately, Rehoboth Bay is still inland so red meant "haz- zard, not right return. However, Roosevelt Inlet leads to open wa- ter and just ask your homeless os- prey who knows that big and small boats alike should keep the light on their right or, at the very least, not run over it. And "No Wake" means don't bury small boats tied to fixed docks with gi- ant swells. I am fatally attracted to the sagas of the sea but I've run aground lacking the imagination to piece together a local tale that will only grow in legend. If you're from out of town you are lost, but not to worry. Red on right return! NOT GUILTY! - Three years ago a graduated Cape student/ath- lete stood in front of Judge J.B. Melson in Magistrate Court. Lewes Police officer Bo Gooch stood next to him. "Son you are charged with mul- tiple traffic infractions all on the same stop, including running a stop Sign, excessive speed, cross- ing a double yellow line, failure to signal when turning; reckless dri- ving expired tag and no proof of insurance. What do you have to say for yourself?." "Everything officer Gooch says is absolutely true," the young man said. "Then why are you pleading not guilty?" Judge Melson queried, but not in a bad way. "'Because Fredman said, 'Al- ways plead not guilty'"! The World According To Fred- man! I didn't do it! COP A PLEAI ' You go out there and hinder the prosecution in a double murder trial and then try plea bargaining down to a mis- demeanor with a sentence of 12 months probation. The Ray Lewis murder trial deteriorated into an assassination of the justice system. It is a tapestry of travesty. Part of the deal is that Lewis has to pay for the labor intensive in- vestigative work where cops fol- lowed false leads. That just shines a .spotlight on the face of American justice, which is all about money. Remember when Linda Kasabian of the Manson family was granted total immuni- ty for her testimony? How'd you like to butt in front of her at the Super G. "Sorry ma'am, but this is the ex- press line! What is that you have carved in your forehead?" DO YOU SEE WHAT I SEE? - I was walking down the Board- walk in the early morning week- end hours when a biker wearing an Hawaiian-style Bloody Mary shirt (lives on Tabasco Row) screeches his breaks and yells, "Beep!" (or was that Beck?). It was Dave Knoblespiece, a Board- walk fixture only because he moves so slowly. On both morn- ings last weekend there was the sight of two veteran Rehoboth Beach Patrollers forced into early retirement jogging near the water wearing their red trunks. Why give up a great lifestyle? But those big rickshaw family bikes have got to go. Every other summer one of those motorized trams in Atlantic City squashes somebody. "Watch the car please!" What am I supposedto do when I hear that fairy little bike bell? Jump out of the way? How about people who smuggle lap , Continued on page 97