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Henlopen SoccerClu]:, prepares for growth People
The Henlopen Soccer Clu b will be accepting
registrations for the'fall 090 Zean by mail
until July 15, and new regiSlthgtfidelines
• . . -- , .. -:.>-,
will be set in place. ; " "
Fees are $25 for the first plilyerand a $5 dis-
count for each additional
player in a family. A late fee
of $10 will be assessed for
any registrations received
after June I 1.
The most significant of
the registration policy
changes is that July 15 is
the last day to register play-
ers. Club president Allen
Luzak said the change is LUZAK
necessary to accommodate the anticipated
growth of the club.
"We must give the registrar enough time to
place players on teams, get rosters to the
Little i00gue
Continued from page 95
the 6-foot-5-inch height of his father, Mike,.
had Dodger hitters '.'bailing out" in the batters
box as he recorded six strikeouts in two in-
nings of work.
Dodger pitcher Tyler Townsend did smack
Tappan for a first inning double, but by then
the score was already 4-0. In fact, Townsend
collected three hits and pitched well over six
innings, but it was like wrestling a bear, not a
The score at the end of the second inning
was 9-0 and could have been higher if not for
some courageous stops of screaming ground
balls by shortstop Evan Ritter.
Cape Re gion Athletes Of The Week
Representing the Sussex
Determinators at last week-
end's Delaware Special
Olympics, Reggie won six
medals and one ribbon.
Miller captured a gold in the
unified swim relayand a
A teammate of Reggie's
with the same coaches,
Steve Neblas and David Cer-
ney, 16.year-old Matt cap-
tured gold medals in swim-
ming in the 25-meter
freestyle and the freestyle
gold in the long jump. He relay. He also nailed down a
won a silrer in the 25-meter pair of golds in track and
freestyle and a bronze in the
50-meter freestyle. Miller al-
so captured a bronze in the
400.meter run and a seventh
place in the 25-meter back-
stroke, Reggie thks his
Coaches Steve
David Cerney.
field, winning the long jump
and 100-meter dash. Logan
captured a bronze in the
400-meter run. Matt and
Reggie Miller are both stu-
dents at Cape Henlopen.
The Cape community is very
proud of Matt and Reggie.
coaches and allow the. teams to practice prior It's all about playing time. The more time a de-
to the season,"he saigk "A!!owing player regis- veloping player gets to touch the ball, the
tration up to opening;'.4s a logistics nii:,faster their skills increase."
mare." : i. " 2 C: Anyone who would like to be a soccer coach
"We're anticipating a large aumber of play-
ers in all age divisions," said club commission-
er Mike Price, who awaiting two new age
brackets for the intramurague.
"There will be a iiumber of players moving
up from the under lt)'bracket to the under 12
bracket. The club is :o looldngto an un-
der 14 bracket, Therb gila strong irest in
adding an older .gro:,to tm elub ' e said.
With the addition 6f new brack ¢imes the
need for more coaols. -7 7i,
;'The club has se..iaa ,mber.:nts who
are willing to stepS!at d c'oaCh/',[h'ice said.
"And now, with th#nticilSated growth, we
would like to make.!fflore teams With fewer
players per team tO ease the playing time.
"" .... r 11 ....
Blame Cellurale -@e two m,
nings for the Cubs :Bl.ldk camein
the final two to cloni;ietory nutl-
ber 13 in the 18-3 victory.
The Lewes Little League 12=year-old Major
League boys have not seen an undefeated team
since the Rockies of 1994 coached by Mark
Moore and Jim Hastings. That team was
paced by the righty/lefty pitching combo of
Mark Moore and Adam Scott.
Other outstanding players in the Cubs start-
ing lineup include Justin Lesko, Willis Har-
mon and Mike Coyle.
"I'm especially proud of Mike Coyle," said
Ed Gill. "He only started playing baseball last
The Cubs have for sure posted some gaudy
statistics this season, including giving up only
is Welcome.
"The club will provide all the necessary
training to effectively coach an intramural
team" Price said.
For more information, contact the club at
645-9377 or via e-mail at <henlopensoccer-
The club will also be sponsoring two sum-
met camps this year. On June 19-23, the Jason
Luzak Soccer Development Program will be
held at Lewes Middle School and from July
--24-28, the Star Soccer Academy with Chad
Reed is scheduled. For more information, call
the number above." ,
(See page 99 in this week s Cape Gazette for
a registration form.)
11 runs over 12 games for an ERA under 1. In-
credible! But they are not looking past any op-
ponenl in their quest to close out the season
with a perfect record.
NOTES - The Dodgers did some great
things in this ball game, which including scor-
ing three runs and knocking out several extra
base hits! Members of the Dodgers starting
lineup include Allen Vickers, Justin Skipper,
Tyler Townsend, Shawn Skipper, Evan Mock,
Hunter Walsh, Jarrid Dulin, Robbie Stephens
and Ryan Bristowe. Looking downthe road,
the yet-to-be-selected all-star team will begin
practice on July 7 with tournament play com-
mencing two weeks later Forget all these
traveling summer tournaments all over Florida
and half of Georgia. Bring the state title ban-
ner home to Lewes, boys!
Mark Moore was selected
by all the Cape head coaches
as the Class of 2000 Male
Athlete of the Year! Mark
had been a role model to all
Cape athletes his four years
of high schbol, not onlybe-
cause of his excellence un-
der fire, but also his work
ethic and comradeship with
• his teammates. Mark was se.
lected to the first team foot-
ball and lacrosse teams his
• senior year. uI hope my sons
grow up to be character
guys like Mark," said Duane
Lawson of Gold's Gym.
Julie was selected by all
the Cape Henlopen head
coaches as the class of 2000
Female Athlete of the Year.
Julie was just a relentless
competitor all year, ex-
eelling In volleyball, basket-
ball and softball. When an
athlete overachieves in
every single contest the per-
spective changes. Julie is
just that good! She was first
team All-Conference this
spring in softball and was al-
so selected to the first team
All-State squad for softball,.
Great student and great
Continued from page 95
dogs inside their shirts? I saw a
Yorkie on Sunday with Copper-
toned lint on his nose. Now that's
disgusting! Don't evenget me
started on the tattooed lovers in
leather with multiple head pierc-
ings cuddled around a bucket of
fries. How about the guy using a
two-handed kite guiding system
power diving his raggity kite over
some family's blanket? I get
beaned with some kite and some-
body better start running because I
can't!! At least there's a "No Fris-
bee" ordinance!
SNIPPETS - According to cal-
culations by Hank Brittingham,
29 percent of Cape seniors receiv-
ing awards failed to show .up for
last Monday's awards ceremony
in the Little Theater. It was partic-
ularly embarrassing when Tommy
Sheehan was unavailable to ac-
cept the Henry Brisco Award and
scholarship from presenter Gerald
Allen, and Barry Barlow was not
in the house to accept the .Mike
Snell Friendship Award from Car-
ol Duggan. Everybody has got to
do a better job than 29 percent no-
shows! Special congratulations to
Brian Misener for winning the
Punkin' Chunkin' Association
$1,000 schol-
arship, which
was presented
by president
William Payn-
ter Sharp.
Knowing the
Chunkers and
knowing Bri 7
an, I'd have to •
say it was an
excellent choice, even if Brian
didn't haxe A pickup with over-
sizeO_i{;:_'5 wi old decoys rolling
arotittdlhe bed. Four other $1,000
awards were granted, causing
Sharp to exclaim in front of a
packed Little Theater, "Not bad
for a bunch of rednecks, eh Fred-
Another school sports year has
closed in the lonely life of a sports
reporter. Countless hours spent
hyping the successes of others•
The rewards aren't as great as
coaching or playing• Few people
ever say thanks. Many people
don't know the difference be-
tween good writing and bad"writ-
They're just looking to see how
many times their name appears
and_ whether you spelled it right.
Some athletes actually ask"me,
"When am i g0ing to be Athlete of
the Week? Some walk away
from interviews in mid-sentence
and some coaches pick up equip-
ment rather thanmake eye con-
We are not invited to most
sports banquets and when scap-
books are passed out filled vith
articles we wrote we seldom get#
free copy. But it's in ray bl-_:
and I love it and I'd do it for ndtlq :
Go on now, git!