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Newspaper Archive of
Cape Gazette
Lewes, Delaware
Jim's Towing Service
June 9, 2000     Cape Gazette
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June 9, 2000
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Continued from page 110 NEW MIDAS EXHAUST system for 1989 Toyota pick- up (4 cly) $60. 645-2784. (6) 1994 CADILLAC DEVILLE, factory aluminum wheel and tire (new) $120, 645-2784. (6) CARB. AND INTAKE mani- fold for 1983 Dodge Slant 6 truck, $70. 645-2784. (6) 1971 CHEVY CHEVELLE SS grill and hub caps, $100. 645-2784. (6) OIL FURNACE, 2 1/2 years old. 10,500 BTU, tank, 175 gallon. Best offer. 684-3331 (4) NOTICE TENT TRAIL CLIMBEF bicycle, 23" high, needs pedal and seat, $5. 227- 7055. i6) DOLLS, PORCELAIN AND vinyl. Collectibles. 337-7578. (4) FOUR CHROME FACTORY center caps for 1996 Dodge Dakota pickup. Paid $190 will sacrifice $60. 645-2764. (6) TWO TRUNKS OF seam- stress or rug braiding wool of! many colors, $130 (without trunks, $5). 645-9872. (4) BRAND NEW, ANDERSON 9' sliding glass door. White $1,100. 226-0757. (4) ENTERTAINMENT CEN TER. LARGE solid cherry by Pennsylvania House. Beaufiful condition, $1,200. 227-5341. (6) ELECTROLUX UPRIGHT VACUUM cleaner with attachments. Bissell Big Green shampooer. 947- 2308. (5) GRACe FOLDING HIGH chair and tray, good condi- tion, $15. 644-9151. (6) TWO AREA RUGS. 6' x 9'. $40. 8 1/2' x 11', $60. Both only one year old. 227-8875. (4) NOTICE THREE AJC WINDOW units. Two, 5,000 BTU, $50 each. One, 18,000 BTU, less than one season old, $375. 227- 8875. (4) CHILDS HIGH CHAIR, oak. Excellent condition, never used. $165. 337-7578. (4) NOTICE BEAUTIFUL AUSTRAUAN WALL Clock. " Made by Stonecraft, $100. 227-4124. (4) NEW WINDOWS. WHITE aluminum, 7/8" Thermo Glass, 40"w x 30" h with screens. Heavy duty hopper type, left over from National Guard Armory. 11 available. A steal at $125 each. 227- 9340. (5) OAK CUSTOM MADE man- fie. Make offer. 645-2659. (4) CHEVY RALLY WHEELS for cars and trucks, $40. 645-2784. (6) ih] I k"ll il g I€',1KI iO]ll,.1 LARSON HEAVY DUTY storm door with fittings. Excellent condition, Wedgewood blue, $95. 645- 2659. (4) KITCHEN CABINETS, 8 PIECE, counter top and sink. Two sets of truck roof racks. 645-5147. (5) THREE DIGIT TALLER tag. Best offer. 645-5145. (5) THREE AREA RUGS. Mauve, Berber, 9'xl 1 ', 8'x10', 4'x6'. Best offer. 226- 9975. (5) COMMERCIAL PRE-RINSE UNIT. Top of the line, 3 ft. tall all chrome gooseneck sprayer and faucet combo by T&S. Perfect or restau- rant or hi-tech kitchen. New in box. Cost $230, first $100. 227-9340. (5) TWO HEAVY-DUTY END tables with glass top. $75 each. 227-4124. (4) TV TOWER, SIX 10' sec- tions with base. $150 one. 945-7804. (5) FOUR DRAWER, FILE cabi- net with full suspension, $35. 645-0144. (6) EXTRA LARGE DOG Crate. Great condition. $100 one. 226-2153. (4) AUSTRALIAN SHEEPSKIN THROW rug, $55. 227-4124. (6) COUNTRY WALL PAINT- INGS, heads and etc, $30. 227-4124. (4) DEMO 350 MHz MULTIME- DIA computer with15" moni- tor and on site service. $500. 450 and 500 MHz proces- sors available. 227-8955. (5) 1.25 KARAT AUSTRALIAN opal stone, $185. 227-4124. (4) POLYNESIAN, 4 PERSON SPA with cover. Excellent condition, $500 you move. 945-7316. (5) LIGHT OAK CREDENZA, $150. Maple cobbler's table, $25. Brass fireplace set, $75. Miscellaneous lamps, make offer. 226-0505. (6) MANUAL TREADMILL, $200. 228-1694. (6) SAWMILL $3,795. SAWS logs into boards, planks, beams. Large capacity. Best sawmill values anywhere. Free information. Norwood Sawmills, 252 Sonwil Drive, Buffalo, NY 14225. (800) 578-1363. (6/9) NEW BENCH SEAT for 1986 Jeep pick up, $65. 645- 2784. (6) NEW VARIOUS MOTOR- CYCLE parts for 1979 Triumph Bonniville, $250 value, sell for $95. 645- 2764. (6) NEW CADILLAC DEVILLE, tire and wheel, aluminum rim with chrome face, $140. 645-2784. (6) Il I lb'i I l |1kl Kt] I11 ONE PLOT, DOUBLE burial at Fort Lincoln Cemetery, Bladensburg, MD 645-9872. (6) SPEAKERS, KENWOOD, 5 way, model KL-999X, 8 ohms, 17" x 27", Make often 644-1926. (4) NEW WINDOW BLINDS. Vinyl mini-blinds still in boxes, $8 each box. 227- 4124. (6) WOLFF TANNING BEDS. Order direct from factory dis- I tribution center. Why settle for plastic mitations? We offer Solid steel, full-body tanning beds. Financing available. (800) 537-9113. (6/9) WINDOW AIR CONDITION- ER. Panasonic 8,000 BTU. I Very quiet, ow usage, excel- ! lent condition, $175. 227- 4418. (5) STEREO, LONG-PLAYING RECORDS. Popular music, 50's & 70's. Also classical; and cassettes. Lot price or' single. 645-7694. (6) GRAVITY RIDER EXER- CISE machine, $35. Zigzag ortable sewing machine, $50. 227-6802. (6) WHITE WINE RACK, $40. White sideboard, $20. New four shelf bookcase, $25. 644-39O9. (6) POOL TABLE, USED maybe 10 times. Excellent condition. Paid $2,500, ask- ing $1,200. 934-6667. (6) TWO STAINED GLASS win- dows in oak frames from old Pappy's Pizza, 35" x 38", $150 each. 227-7826. (6) COPIER-OFFICEIHOME. Dual paper tray, enlarge/reduce, only 40K total copies. $375. 947- 1640. (5) RADIAL ARM SAW. Craftsman, 9" plus stand and new table top. Rarely used. $200 one. 644-1926. (4) SNOWY RIVER AUS- TRALIAN hat, $50. 227- 4124. (4) 12' X 16' SHED. Must sell, you move. $1,200. Call Steve, 945-1308. (6) METAL DESK, $100. 227- 4124 or (703) 356-2353. (4) ReeFERS OR FARMERS boom. New condition, great for lifting, $90. 645-2754. (6) i i TEA LENGTH, WEDDING gown, off white, rose color bridesmaid dress plus flower girl dress. Never worn. Bought at Simon's in Dover, 645-5138. (5) LARGE, BEAUTIFUL DOLLHOUSE, porches, nine rooms, mostly fur- nished, needs handyman, $300. 684-2827. (5) WORD PROCESSOR, BROTHERS Whisper writer, $100. 645-9665. (4) SET OF NEWMARK direct drive tumtables with a mixer and 2 ship mats, $350. 945- 9579. (6) VICTORIAN LAMP WITH led crystal, $175. 337-7578. (4) SWIMMING POOL, DOUGHBOY. Round, 24' x 24', including filter, comput- erized pump, over rail lad- der, cover, solar cover, skim- mer, hoses, etc. Some chemicals, $500 0(30. (302) 684-2534. (4) COUNTRY LOVESEAT, MATCHING chair, $110, $65, stereo tape deck, receiver, speakers, $50, pic- nic table, $25. 645-9592. (5) PFAI.TZGRAFF DISHES, WHITE pattern, $15. 227- 7055. (6) SET OF GOLF clubs. Senior Cobra, 4- Sandwich, like new, $275, Also tight lies strong 3 & 5 Woods, like new, $100 each. 945-4261. (6) MICROWAVE STAND, 42" high with 2 doors, $25. 227- 5848. (6) WOLFF TANNING BEDS. Tan at home. Buy direct and savel Commercial/home units from $199. Low month- ly payments. Free (:olor cat- aiog. (800)642-1310. (6/9) MAN'S ROLEX OYSTER watch. 18K and stainless. 6 years old, perfect condition, $3,500 firm. (302) 537-5173. (6) TRAILER HITCH FOR 1995-96, $10 Blazer, $50. 227-6802. (6) HARTLEY ENGLISH SAD- DLE, $300. 644-9151. (6) ALUM. TRUCK CAP, has 3 doors with ladder rack. 86" x 62", $75. 645-2764. (6) FRONT GRILL FOR 1971 Chew SuPer Sport El Camino, $40. 645-2784. (6) TWO MICROWAVES, ONE white, Samsung, one beige, Utton. Counter top units, $25 each. 227- 6279. (5) , 3 WHEEL, ELECTRONIC battery operated Rascal scooter with cover, $2,500. Like new. 645-7170/(4) AMWAY (ARMGARD II) alarm system. Remote con- trol, sensors, electronically supervised, $300. Moving. 227-2359. "(6) BED RAILS, UKE new, paid ,$185, asking $100. 945- 9172. (5) EARLY JOHN MOLL oil painting. Student of Frank Schaoover, Wilm. of Brandywine School tradition $900. Moving. 227-2359. (6) MAUVE, VERTICAL PATIO blinds. Like new. $25. 226- 3961, Saturday or Sunday. (4) CAPE GAZETTE, Friday, June 9 - June 15,2000 - 111 illd I lb"[ll N N I11 Ki] IF."ll WORD PROCESSOR, SMITH Corona. Complete with monitor and instruction books. Like new, $85. 644- 9043. (6) J STIFFEL & FREEMAN ANTIQUE iron safe. 44" x 30" x 76 tall, brass trim on drawers, $1,000 one. Moving. 227-2359. (6) TALL THREE SIDED dress- ing mirror, professional, $550. Executive type desk, $125. 645-7732, leave mes- sage. (4) SUNBEAM GAS GRILL with cover and tank, $20. 20 gallon fish tank with pump, filter, flourescant light and thermometer, $20. 645- 7901. (6) PROPANE GAS SPACE HEATER. 9,000 - 18,000 BTU. Brand new, $150. 227- 4124. (4) CHESS BOOK COLLEC- "nON. About 200 for $200. 645-7797. (5) FOUR, MOUNTAIN BIKES. Like new. Girls $40; boys $60; boys $30; men's $150. 227-6279. (5) CLASS II, TRAILER hitch for full size Buick or Olds from 1980-1988, $20. 645- 2764. (6) 14' X 14' UNBOUND beige, pile carpet, $25. 645-7405. 8' X 8' NEW WALK-IN cool- er. Assembled, asking $3,000. Will deliver. (302) 542-1365. (5) NORDIC TRACK WALKFIT. Workout computer. Uke new, $240. 945-2530. (4) BRAUN COMMERCIAL HYDRAULIC wheelchair lift for full size van. Includes mounting hardware and manual. $750. 227-8955. (5) MIRACLE MAID POTS, (charcoal black), includes matching canister set, $100. Moving. 227-2359. (6) CAST IRON SINK. White )orcelain, double bowl by Kohler. From model home. First $50. 227-9340. (5) STEEL BUILDINGS, NEVER put up. 40' X 48' was $8.080, now $5,212. 50' x 90 was $16,670, wl sell $9,980. (800) 292-0111. (619-6/I 6-6/23p) 100 LP 33 1/3 RPM records, 60's to 80's. Free moving. 664-1541. (6) MEN'S HUFFY BICYCLE 26", like new, $40. 684-1541. KISS YOUR CABLE good- bye! Dish Network satellite system only $79,99! 40 channels for only $19.95/month. FedEx deliv- ery. (888) 292-4836. (6/9) CANCELLED STEEL BUILDINGS. Only four left: 25'x40'. 30'x60'. 45'x90', 50'x140'. Must move now1 Will sell for balance owed. Free delivery. (888) 568- 9350. (6/9) il I F,,"[II N R |Alibi KI]I! ORIENTAL RUG, $500. 645-5821. (4) Custom Built PURPLE MARTIN r, HOUSES - (Starling proofl Bluebird houses Natural Gourds . for Purple Martin and other birds. 684-4436 21/2'- 3' Leland Cypress $1 each Delivered & Planted Other plants available (302) 337-0405 LAWNBOY MOWER, bag, extra blade, $50. South Bethany, weekends, 537- 1062. (6) i SELF PROPELLED ,MOWER, $100. Sears 3/8 I HP weed wacker, $15. Push mower, $25. 645-5070. (6) LAWN TRACTOR, 12 HP, Lawnboy, runs good, needs deck put back on, $200. 645- 2764. (6) 6' YORK RAKE and 6' Pacer landscape box scraper. 644- 1560. (5) 6 HP, 21" SELF PRO- PELLED electric start push lawnmower, . used, $225. 745-6665 day or 645-2641 night. (5) CRAFTSMAN 6 HI = . MULCHING lawnmower, $75. Simplicity tractor, 48" cut, 2 1/2 years old, $1,900. 947-1526. (4) LAWN EQUIPMENT. TORe Z222, 1998, 22 HP, 60" deck, Hydro. Gravely 50" walk behind, 18 HP. 1998 Trailer, inspected. 2001, 7' x 12', best offer. 945-1992. (4) LAWN ORNAMENT, LIGHT- ED running buck, never opened, still in box, $45. 644-9151. (6) ROTe TILLER, NEEDS some work, last used this spring. $30. 226-1185. (6) LAWN MOWER, 20" needs a tune-up, $30. 226-1185. (6) IN THE COURT OF COM- MON PLEAS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE IN AND FOR SUSSEX COUNTY IN RE: CHANGE OF NAME OF: Linnea Victoria Price, Petitioner TO: Blyth Lynn Germany NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Linnea Victoda Price, intends to present a Petition to the Court of Common: Pleas for the State of, Delaware in and for Sussex i County, to change her name to Blyth Lynn Germany. Llnnea Victoria Price Petitioner Dated: May 23, 2000 THE FOLLOWING UNIT LISTED AT OLD LANDING STORAGE, Old Landing Road, Rehoboth Beach, will be sold for collec- tion of past due rent. This is an accordance with Delaware Code 25 4904. Sale date, July 8, 2000 at 9 AM. Location of sale, Old Landing Storage. Unit #65, Margaret Moulinler, Rehoboth Beach, DE. 19971. Contents: tools, bike, boogie boards, leaf blower and other items too numerous to mention. Estate of JOHN E. MADDEN, deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration WWA upon the estate of John E. Madden, who departed this life on the 236th day of March A.D. 2000, late of Rehoboth Beach, DE, were duly grant- ed unto Peter J. Coveleski, on the 31st day of May, A.D. 2000, and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to I make payments to the said Administrator, W.W.A. with- out delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Administrator, W.W.A. on or before the 26th day of November, A. D. 2000, or abide by the law in this behalf. Adminletretor, W.W.A. Peter J. Covelesk| 92 Cutter Court Wolfe Run Lewes, DE 19968 Attomey: R. Brandon Jones, Esq. Hudson, Jones, etal PO Box P Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 Howard Clendanlel Register of Wills Estate of DOROTHY L. DENNIS deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration, WWA upon the estate of Dorothy L. Dennis, who departed this life on the 18th day of Apdl, A.D. 2000, late of Lewes, DE, were duly granted unto Patricia R. Langrell on the 23rd day of May, A.D. 2000, and all per- sons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Administratdx, W.W.A., with- out delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Administratrix, W.W.A. on or before the 18th day of December, A. D. 2000, or abide by the law in this behalf. Adminlatratrix, W.W.A. Patrlcia R. Langrall 908 Wilson Drive Dover, DE 19904 Howard Clendanlel Register of Wills Continued on page 112