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Cape Gazette
Lewes, Delaware
Jim's Towing Service
June 9, 2000     Cape Gazette
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June 9, 2000
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112 - CAPE GAZETTE, Friday, June 9 - June 15, 2000 NOTICE NOTICE Continued from page 111 STONEY LONEN, INC. (TIA Stoney Lonen Ale House & Fishery), a restaurant currently licensed to sell alcohol dur- ing lunch (11 AM - 2 PM) and dinner (5 PM - 10 PM) at 208 Second Street and 57 Wilmington Avenue is requesting a variance for hours of operation from the Delaware Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission. The requested hours of operation will be 5 PM - 10 PM (dinner only) Any support or protest can be sent to Delaware Alcohol Beverage Control Commission, Carvel State Building, 820 N. French Street, Wilmington, DE 19801. NOTICE SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public Sale on: TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 2000 AT 9:30 AM & THEREAFTER At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, #9 South DuPont Highway, Georgetown, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit: ALL THAT CERTAIN lot, piece or parcel of land, lying and being in Lewes and Rehoboth Hundred, Sussex County and State of Delaware and more particu- larly bounded and described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at an iron pipe; said iron pipe is set on the southern side of West Meadowview Drive, said point being a comer for this Lot and Lot 8; thence turning and running by and along the right-of-way of West Meadowview Drive, S 58 deg. 12 min. 00 sec. E., 125' to a point; thence turning and running S 31 deg. 48 rain. 00 sac. W, by and along a common boundary line with this lot and Lot 6, 175'; thence turning and running by and along a common boundary line with this lot and other lands of Hudson and Thompson, N 58 deg. 12 rain. 00 sec. W, 125' to a point; thence turning and running by and along a com- mon boundary line with this lot and Lot 8, N 31 deg. 48 min. 00 sec. E, 175' home to the place of beginning. Be the contents thereof what they may. AND BEING the same lands and premises which Joseph R. Hudson and Stanley L. Thompson, t/a Hudson & Thompson be deed dated December 1, 1987 and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds in and for Sussex County, Delaware in Deed Record 1534, Page 74, granted and conveyed to Thomas E. Heck and Dawn L. Heck, herein in fee. TAX PARCEL NO: 3-34-10.00-166.00 TERMS: 20 percent of the )urchase money will be demanded on the day of sale. Cash, Certified Check or Cashier's Check, the bal- ance to be paid on or before i July 3, 2000. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on July 7, 2000, and also subject to a 1 1/2 per- cent Delaware Realty i Transfer Tax, 3/4 pement to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 pement to be paid by the Pumhaser. Also subject to a 1 1/2 pement Sussex County Realty Tax; 3/4 pement to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 )ercent to be paid by the Buyer. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to )ay the cost of the deed. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the per- i centum paid on the day of sale will be forfeited. Please make Certified Check or Cashier's Check payable to Sheriff, Sussex County. Seized and taken in execu- tion as the property of Thomas Edward Heck and Dawn Lynne Heck and will be sold by Robert L. Reed, Sheriff Sheriff's Department Georgetown, DE NOTICE SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of a wdt of Levan Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public Sale on: TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 2000 AT 9:30 AM & THEREAFTER At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, #9 South DuPont Highway, Georgetown, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate, to wit: ALL THAT CERTAIN lot, piece and parcel of land situ- ated in the City of Lewes, Lewes and Rehoboth Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware and being known and designated as Lot 92 in the subdivision known as Bay Breeze Estates filed for record in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds in and for Sussex County, at Georgetown, Delaware in Plot Book 35, Page 79 and also known as 12 Sandpiper Drive, Lewes, Delaware. BEING the same lands con- veyed to Linda R. Dulin, by deed of Bay Breeze Estates, Inc., dated July 24, 1990, and filed for record in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds, in and for Sussex County, at Georgetown, Delaware, in Deed Book 1728, Page 270. TAX PARCEL NO: 3-35-8.00-366.00 TERMS: 20 percent of the )urchase money will be Continued on page 113 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING---- ASSESSMENT ROLLS FOR DEWEY BEACH WATER DISTRICT DEWEY BEACH SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT BETHANY BEACH SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT SOUTH BETHANY SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT FENWICK ISLAND SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT BLADES SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT NORTH BETHANY EXPANSION OF THE BETHANY BEACII SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT HENLOPEN ACRES SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT LONG NECK SANITAIY SEWER DISTRICT DAGSBORO-FRANKFORD SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT WEST REHOBOTH EXPANSION OF THE DEWEY BEACH SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT HOLTS LANDING SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT OCEAN VIEW EXPANSION OF THE BETHANY BEACH SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT CEDAR NECK EXPANSION OF THE BETHANY BEACH SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT The Dewey Beach Water District, Dewey Beach Sanitary Sewer District, Bethany Beach Sanitary Sewer District (including Sussex Shores, North Bethany Expansion, and Ocean Way Estates, Sections 1 & I1), South Bethany Sanitary Sewer District, Fenwick Island Sanitary Sewer District, Blades Sanitary Sewer District, Henlopen Acres Sanitary Sewer District, Long Neck Sanitary Sewer District, Dagsboro-Frankford Sanitary Sewer District, and West Rehoboth Expansion of the Dewey Beach Sanitary Sewer District assessment roils for the period fmna July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001 have been completed and filed in the Sussex County Utility Division located at the County Administrative Offices, 2 The Circle, Georgetown, Delaware. The assessment rolls may be reviewed in the Sussex County Utility Division between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., local time, Mondays lhrough Fridays, except on legal holidays recognized by the Sussex County Council. The Sussex County Council will meet and hold a public hearing at 11:00 a.m., local time, on Tuesday, June 20, 2000, in Council Chambers, County Administrative Offices, 2 The Circle, Georgetown, Delaware to hear and consider any objections which may be made to the assessment roils. The proposed annual service and assessment charges used in preparing the assessment rolls are presented below. SUMMARY OF ANNUAL SERVICE CI-IAI.GES AND ASSESSMEN'I" CI-IARGES JULY 1, 2000 - JUNE 30, 2001 Anl, ual Assesslcnt Charge District Transln ission and/or "Frcatmcnt Annual Service Distribution or Collection S/foot Total /raT-O'S-fit S/foot DEWEY BEACH WATER * 146.80 .78 .85 1.63 DEWEy BEACH SEWER * 243.14 .55 .22 .77 BETHANY BEACI-! SEWER * 205.44 .46 .23 .69 SUSSEX SI lORES j * 205.44 3.76 .23 3.99 NORTi I BETI-IANY EXPANSION = * 205.44 4.76 7.23 I 1.99 OCEAN WAY ESTATES, SECTIONS I & li t * 205.44 3.07 .23 3.30 SOUTH BET|ANY SEWER * 2 I 8.42 ' .SS .17 .75 FENWlCK ISLAND SEWER * 195.10 I. I 5 .22 i .37 BLADES SEWER * 23 ! .63 .78 .17 .95 HENLOPEN ACRES SEWER * 376.47 .63 .38 1.0l LONG NECK SEWER * 157.62 3.66 .33 3.99 DAGSBORO-FRANKFORD SEWER * 219.4 I .8 I .7 I 1.52 WEST REHOBOTH EXPANSION a * 202.00 2.59 2.40 4.99 IIOLTS LANDING SEWER * 250.00 O0.0 0.00 O.O0 I. Pact of the Bcthal,y Beach Sanitary Scvcr District "foot" incans assessable footage 2. Pan orthe Dewey Beach Snlitltry .¢ver District "EDU" nlca,ls ¢qtlivalent dv¢lling unit • No incrense in a|luRI service charge lqae SUSSex county Council will also consider the proposed system connection charges for the period frona July 1, 2000 through June 30, 200 i for the Dewey Beach Water District, Dewey Beach Sanitary Sewer District, Bethany Beach Sanitary Sewer District, South Bethany Sanitary Sewer District, Fenwick Island Sanitary Sewer District, Blades Sanitary Sewer District, Henlopen Acres Sanitary Sewer District, Long Neck Sanitary Sewer District, Dagsboro-Frankford Sanitary Sewer District, West Rehoboth Expansion of the Dewey Beach Sanitary Sewer District, Holts Landing Sanitary Sewer District, Ocean View Expansion of the Bethany Beach Sanitary Sewer District, and the Cedar Neck Expansion of the Bethany Beach Sanitary Sewer District. The System Connection Charge shall be in addition to all other charges aad assessments made in connection with the furnishing of water or Sewer service, and shall be billed and payable iu a manner determined by the County. The proposed system cozmection charges are presented below. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED SYSTEM CONNECq'ION CTIARGES JULY 1, 2000 - JLTNE 30, 2001 Total System District Connection Charges $/EDU Dewey Beach Water 600 Dewey Beach Sewer 2, ! 59 Bethany Beach Sewer 2, 159 South- Bethany Sewer 2,159 Fenwick Island Sewer 2,389 Blades Sewer 600 Llenlopen Acres Sewer 2,159 Long Neck Sewcr 2, 10 I Ddgsboro-Frankford Sewer 2,954 West Rehoboth Sewcr EXpiLr=sion 2.954 Holts Landing Sewer l ,559 Ocean View Sewer Expansion 1.559 Cedar Neck Sewer Expansion 2, 159 After holding the public hearing, the Sussex County Council will establish, at one o/" its regularly scheduled meetings, the assessment rolls to be known respectively as the "Dewey Beach Water District Assessment," "Dewey Beach Sanitary Sewer District Assessment," "Bethany Beach Sanitary Sewer District Assessmeaat (including Sussex Shores and Ocean Way Estates, Sections I and II)," "North Bethany Expansion of the Bethaaay Beach Sanitary Sewer District Assessment," "South Bethany Sanitary Sewer District Assessment," "Fenwick Island Sanitary Sewer District Assessment," "Blades Sanitary Sewer District Assessment," "Henlopen Acres Sanitary Sewer District Assessment," "Long Neck Sanitary Sewer District Assessment," "Dagsboro-Frankford Sanitary Sewer District Assessment," "West Rehoboth Expansion of the Dewey Beach Sanitary Sewer District Assessment," and "'Holts Landing Sanitary Sewer District.'" Unless otherwise posted in the Office of the Clerk of the Sussex County Council, the Sussex County Council meets regularly every Tuesday at 10:00 a.m., local time, in the County Administrative Offices, 2 The Circle, Georgetown, Delaware. After holding the public hearing, the Sussex County Council may change or amend the assessment rolls as it deellas necessary or just and may confirm mid adopt the assessment roils as originally proposed, or as amended, or changed.